Sunday DnD Game 8.3 – Rardysexuality Exclusive


Sunday DnD Game 8.3

In this episode, our friend Nyxi_Leon joins us to play Dungeons and Dragons!Nyxi has played with us before on stream and knows the game well.Her character is called Draeth.Draeth is a dragon who was born a pirate. She loves treasure and sailing, and you’ll see these things in the game! We are deep in the lair of a don, and Kyro (Lil BabyboyJoey) and Poppet (Lil_KittyTheoy or Poppet pup) are hiding under beds in a hospital. Bloo talks to a nurse (who is trying to revive the sick in order to evacuate).After making the nurse unconscious, we head into the next room, trying to escape this lair and get back to Ed the Head. On the way out, we defeat several cultists and find a portal where several gnolls come out to attack us, but we defeat them with some difficulty. Finally, we escape and begin our travels back to the city of Frostgate, where Ed the Head is.When we reach the city gates, we see smoke and several people fighting on the walls.Unfortunately, we did not get back to the city fast enough, and a civil war has broken out!

File Size : 3,81 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:34:00


Sunday DnD Game 8.3.mp4 – 3,81 GB

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