Tag Archives: Barefoot

Slutty Ex-Wife Lucy Lauren Spanked – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0008

Slutty Ex-Wife Lucy Lauren Spanked – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0008

Lucy Lauren

Slutty ex-wife Lucy Lauren turns up unexpectedly at the house – she’s decided she wants the whole place in the divorce settlement. Her ex-husband isn’t having any of it, he’s now wise to her manipulative ways. Even though she’s wearing her sexiest little sparkly dress (and no underwear!), she’s not going to twist him around her little finger this time.

He proposes a deal – if she lets him do the one thing she’s never let him do when they’ve been together, he’ll at least consider her proposal. Lucy assumes he’s after something sexual – and to be honest, she misses regular sex a bit herself. But no, what he is proposing is a hard and uncompromising spanking on her bare bottom! That’s not what she had in mind at all. But if it means a chance of getting the house, it might be worth it?

He makes her kneel on the bed and stick out her bottom for him. He warms her up with a little hand spanking before reaching for a hairbrush – and to add insult to injury, it’s not one of hers! What other woman has he seen leave her hairbrush in the bedroom? The humiliation is compounded by the already diabolical effect of the wooden brush on her glowing buttocks.

Thinking it’s all over, she cajoles and tries to manipulate him again, making him even more determined to show her the error of her ways. He holds her down as he gives her more strokes with the hairbrush, before reaching for a light and very springy cane! This is not a formal “count the strokes” punishment – this is a flurry of hard cane strokes delivered to a squirming and protesting bottom as Lucy realises the game is up!

ANGLES: Includes the full film as a cinematic edit, then the spanking section individually from each of the face cam, bum cam and wide cam.

File Name : SE0008_LucyLauren_ExWife_hi_1080p.mp4
File Size : 2.0 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:37:43


SE0008_LucyLauren_ExWife_hi_1080p.mp4 – 2.0 GB

Buxom Blonde Maid Zoey Ziptie Spanked and Paddled – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0003

Buxom Blonde Maid Zoey Ziptie Spanked and Paddled – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0003

Buxom Blonde

Zoey Ziptie is a maid in Hywel’s household, but she seems to have made a habit of being useless. She’s always asking other people to help her with her chores. Is it because she is lazy? Or is it because she secretly fancies the master of the house and would rather have his attention – even if that attention is devoted to disciplining her perfect bottom?

She is summoned to his office to pay for her latest transgression. He makes her stand in position – bent over the desk, legs apart, standing on tiptoe – while he prepares the instruments of her punishment. She will have to take a good hard hand spanking to warm her up, but then he will move on to a stingy black leather paddle to make her howl, followed by a drilled wooden paddle to drive the message home!

Zoey is stoic at first, but even her remarkable tolerance for pain gives way when the wooden paddle comes down on her bottom! You can see her bottom turning red and blistering under the barrage! When she has learned her lesson, he makes her stand, still on tiptoe, with the paddle in her mouth, and contemplate the error of her ways until he dismisses her.

ANGLES: includes the full film in one cinematic cut, followed by the spanking in bum cam, face cam and wide cam, so you can enjoy every stroke from your personal favourite angle.

File Name : SE0003_ZoeyZiptie_MaidSpanking_1080p.mp4
File Size : 1.7 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:31:57


SE0003_ZoeyZiptie_MaidSpanking_1080p.mp4 – 1.7 GB