Tag Archives: Caning

Get Orf My Land – Hiker Helen (Bunnie Stevens) Punished – Restrained Elegance Exclusive SE0020

Get Orf My Land – Hiker Helen (Bunnie Stevens) Punished – Restrained Elegance

Get Orf My Land – Hiker Helen (Bunnie Stevens) Punished

Hiker Helen Wanderer Helen (Bunnie Stevens) has been tramping all over the ancestral lands of Dodgy Towers, trespassing and causing some disruption. Lord Dodgy cannot allow this to continue, so he has the miscreant brought to his office. He tries to shame her, but she doesn’t seem impressed, even when he invokes the Royal Family and William the Conqueror.

There’s nothing to it. This disrespectful intruder will be punished! And on Lord Dodgy’s land, what he says is what he does. She protests and he allows her to call the police – unfortunately Archibald, the Chief Constable, is in Lord Dodgy’s pocket and she gets nowhere. It’s a thrashing for her, and no mistake!

Lord Dodgy begins with a good hard hand spanking, bending her forward over his desk for easy access to her prime bottom. Once her arse cheeks are properly warmed, he bombards her bottom with stroke after stroke of the riding crop. But although she cries out with each hard stroke, it doesn’t seem to break her spirit. On the contrary, she seems to be enjoying it!

For it turns out that the lashing was by no means accidental, but rather a deliberate provocation. She’d heard rumours of Lord Dodgy’s dubious proclivities and was looking for an opportunity to punish her naughty bum!


SE0020_BunnieStevens_WalkerTrespassing_hi_1080p.mp4 – 1.5 GB

Secret Socialist Bunnie Stevens Punished – Restrained Elegance Exclusive SE0017

Secret Socialist Bunnie Stevens Punished – Restrainedelegance

Secret Socialist Bunnie Stevens Punished – Restrainedelegance

Jodhpur-clad lady of the manor, Miss Stevens, summons her groundskeeper. She has an important garden party that afternoon and the front lawn is full of unwelcome invaders! What does he have to say? Quite a lot, as it turns out. He points out that she’s paying for 40 hours of work a week, so that’s what she gets. She also asked him to make it a priority to remove said plants from the drive, which he duly did. She tries to retort that he’s getting ideas above his station in life, that she only hired him because she knew his stepfather… but she doesn’t seem to be doing very well in the verbal sparring.

That’s when he delivers his knockout punch – he knows she’s been secretly donating to charity, even sponsoring the local Labour Party. He should know, he’s the branch treasurer! So, despite her hard aristocratic facade, she’s actually – SHOCK HORROR – a SECRET SOCIALIST! Imagine the scandal in the village if this juicy gossip got out! Her friends would disown her, the village would have to move, and the police chief wouldn’t be half as chummy as he is now.

There’s nothing to be done, she has to offer him something in return to keep the peace. And he decides to kick her high-class aristocratic butt. What, wait?

A good hand spanking reddens her cheeks even through her jodhpurs. Underneath she wears a sexy skimpy lingerie – for whose benefit exactly? He tries the hairbrush and the riding crop, but it turns out that the only thing that really puts milady in her place is a good sounding caning!

And she seems awfully happy about it. Could there be more to this situation than meets the eye? It’s almost as if they’ve played this little charade before.

ANGLES: This clip contains all the action in cinematic cut, plus a blooper reel of out-takes where I made Bunnie repeatedly lose it and collapse into giggles. Definitely one for the “spanking can be fun!” fans. Then we have the whole spanking sequence in face cam, bum cam and wide cam.

File Name : SE0017_BunnieStevens_Socialist_hi_1080p.mp4
File Size : 1.7 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:50:13


SE0017_BunnieStevens_Socialist_hi_1080p.mp4 – 1.7 GB

Slutty Ex-Wife Lucy Lauren Spanked – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0008

Slutty Ex-Wife Lucy Lauren Spanked – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0008

Lucy Lauren

Slutty ex-wife Lucy Lauren turns up unexpectedly at the house – she’s decided she wants the whole place in the divorce settlement. Her ex-husband isn’t having any of it, he’s now wise to her manipulative ways. Even though she’s wearing her sexiest little sparkly dress (and no underwear!), she’s not going to twist him around her little finger this time.

He proposes a deal – if she lets him do the one thing she’s never let him do when they’ve been together, he’ll at least consider her proposal. Lucy assumes he’s after something sexual – and to be honest, she misses regular sex a bit herself. But no, what he is proposing is a hard and uncompromising spanking on her bare bottom! That’s not what she had in mind at all. But if it means a chance of getting the house, it might be worth it?

He makes her kneel on the bed and stick out her bottom for him. He warms her up with a little hand spanking before reaching for a hairbrush – and to add insult to injury, it’s not one of hers! What other woman has he seen leave her hairbrush in the bedroom? The humiliation is compounded by the already diabolical effect of the wooden brush on her glowing buttocks.

Thinking it’s all over, she cajoles and tries to manipulate him again, making him even more determined to show her the error of her ways. He holds her down as he gives her more strokes with the hairbrush, before reaching for a light and very springy cane! This is not a formal “count the strokes” punishment – this is a flurry of hard cane strokes delivered to a squirming and protesting bottom as Lucy realises the game is up!

ANGLES: Includes the full film as a cinematic edit, then the spanking section individually from each of the face cam, bum cam and wide cam.

File Name : SE0008_LucyLauren_ExWife_hi_1080p.mp4
File Size : 2.0 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:37:43


SE0008_LucyLauren_ExWife_hi_1080p.mp4 – 2.0 GB

I’ll Do ANYTHING for an extension on my bank loan Lucy Lauren spanking – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0005

I’ll Do ANYTHING for an extension on my bank loan Lucy Lauren spanking – Restrainedelegance Exclusive SE0005

Lucy Lauren

Businesswoman Lucy Lauren is in hock to the bank, but she needs an extra 25 grand to stay liquid. She goes to see her bank manager armed with the usual facts and figures, but also wearing a short slutty dress under her smart jacket. She’s sure that all she’ll have to do is flash some panties, show some leg, maybe give a little blow job, maybe even bend over and take it – but she doesn’t really mind, she’s had a crush on her bank manager for a while! She thinks it could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Of course, the bank manager is interested. But he knows better than to accept sexual favours without imposing his authority on the scene. He needs her to take her cash flow and business expenses seriously! To focus her mind, he decides that he will approve the extension – IF she takes a good hard spanking! (And anything for afters is purely a personal matter).

He begins by bending her over for a hard hand spanking. When her cheeks are a healthy red, he switches to a short leather ruler strap, the back to hand spanking on the bare bottom as he pulls down her panties. But what really gets the message across is a heavy weighted black paddle!

ANGLES: Enjoy all the spanking in Face Cam, Bum Cam and Wide Cam as well as the regular cinematic editing.

File Name : SE0005_LucyLauren_BankLoan_hi_1080p.mp4
File Size : 2.4 GB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:53:13


SE0005_LucyLauren_BankLoan_hi_1080p.mp4 – 2.4 GB

Bunnie Stevens Maid Bamboo Birch Spanking – Restrained Elegance Exclusive SE0001B

Bunnie Stevens Maid Bamboo Birch Spanking – Restrainedelegance

Bunnie Stevens Maid Bamboo Birch Spanking

Includes the storyline cut, followed by the complete spanking take from each camera: bum-cam, face-cam and wide-cam.

But why is she cleaning his flat in a skimpy maid’s uniform, barefoot? There’s more to this relationship than meets the eye! He looks at her as he makes her stand on the kitchen island and clean the soles of her feet, then inspects her feet closely – has she done a good job of THAT cleaning, at least? And now her panties come completely off and he orders more punishment – the bamboo birch, to be administered completely naked!

For a moment he breaks character, grabs her in a tight hug and whispers to her that she needs to do a better job of cleaning sometimes or he might actually have to fire her… if it weren’t for the fact that she is so hot. And then it is back to the stern disciplinarian and penitent maid for a good hard spanking with the bamboo birch!

File Name : SE0001B_HelenStephens_Maid_hi_1080p.mp4
File Size : 486.4 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:13:14


SE0001B_HelenStephens_Maid_hi_1080p.mp4 – 486.4 MB